accommodations: crete
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73007 Georgioupolis Kreta: Cretan at the sandy beach of Chrisi Amo
Situated in the lively heart of Platanias( quiet in winter), the resort suburb of Rethymnon. Regular bus services connect to the centre of town (6 km) and to Iraklion ( 74 km to the airport). There ar more...
Sfakaki Kreta: Crete holidayflats
Exactly at the beginning of the long sandy beach, at a spot of the village Georgioupolis,only 150 m from the sea,in a large garden is situated Papapdakis with studios,25 m/2, + apartments, 36 m/2, for more...
Sfakaki Stavromenos Rethymnon: Crete straight at the beach Rethymnon area
Northcoast of Crete, SFAKAKI,which has been former called Stavromenos,straight at the sandy beach and NOT in an busy tourism area there is situated the family run property,at the beach of CRISI AMO more...
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